A foreign peroxide concoction from the pound shop, a tinting brush clearly missing bristles and a hole in my gloves were the warning signs my 15 year old self should have listened too. My first hairdye experience went horribly wrong, lustrous cherry red tresses shimmering in my minds eye was the catalyst for a series of unfortunate bleaching incidents. First time, i never reached the red i longed for, instead i ended up with a multi colour miss matched bright copper mop of bleach broken hair.
Shadily trawling the shelves of superdrug for box dyes, hoping to not bring attention to my chemical calamity, i came up short with a solution and pegged it to Afflecks palace as a last resort. I found salvation in a tub of Fire Red Crazy Colour and thus my obsession with crazy hair colours was ignited.
An Interview with Asta Nowarra - Roly Poly Wardrobe
Asta's blog Rolypoly wardrobe is a place where she posts personal paragraphs and fashion photos, her Instagram is also filled with the self love inspiration and plenty of selfies breaking down beauty standards! I have linked each of the photo's used to Asta's blog to give her the credit she deserves.
An interview with Stefanie Kloeck - Body Babe gifting bullies with self love
Stefanie Kloeck, teacher in more ways than one. Class teacher and teacher of class, this wonderful woman is teaching the masses to love their curves and accept themselves the way they are. Stefanie has gained a huge following on Instagram and it's no wonder, with curves and confidence to kill for Stefanie has inspired females across the globe. I am lucky enough to have some of her time to ask her some body positivity questions and find out where it all started and how she became so confident!
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An Interview with Isabel Hendrix - Plus size model and self love advocate
Isabel Hendrix, fabulous feminist and successful plus sized model living in LA gave me the opportunity to interview her and my mind was blow. Between searching for the next draw dropping statement fashion piece to model and blog about, walking LA beaches and soaking up sun rays, I'm surprised she has the time to talk to little old me! A wardrobe I would die for and the confidence to pull it off, it's no wonder Isabel has the following she has and a career she crafted herself. A self love advocate , this fox stands for no negativity and is so sweet I need a dentist!
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An Interview with Miss Osiria Rose - Curve Creation on body positivity
Missi, 24 year old Australian creating curves in our hearts, smiles and confidence with her body positivity on the regular. A confident 50's style pinup, a fiery read head with a liking to fitness this sassy siren promotes all things self love and does so with red lips as fierce as Instagram haters! A wardrobe to die for and a foot well into the pin up world, i have the opportunity to interview the fabulous Miss Osiria Rose, ask her to unravel her victory rolls full of secrets for us and see how her self acceptance and body positivity has helped her get the positive curve on her own face as well as ours.
All pictures of Missi are her own and will be linked to her Instagram to give her the credit she so rightly deserves. If you wish to follow Missi on her blog , then please click here.
Missi, you have a blog and an Instagram account dedicated to your career in pinup and your love for being curvy and self accepting. How did you decide to start blogging about your journey?
Basically it came out of a desire to build a support network and be accountable. I didn't really have a social circle that had an interest in health and fitness so that’s basically where it started.
Ah, so taking care of yourself physically was the catalyst, fitness and working out. Is this how you choose to practice body positivity?
For me, I approach body positivity as a relationship. I wake up every morning and it’s something I work on with my body. I view it as a whole picture, so for me taking care of myself plays big into body positivity, though this is just me personally. It’s about being realistic of my body, what it’s capable of and when to be kinder to it. It’s also about knowing that things like weight, stretch marks and appearances that I personally struggle with shouldn't dictate how I am towards my body and that my body is more than its flaws, it’s so much more.
Ah realizing that your body is more than its outer appearance seems really easy but in actual fact is the hardest thing of all, what prompted you to begin to promote self love?
Frankly, I wasn't seeing much of it. The only people I could find when I started promoting self love were girls who were either already fit and healthy or were bigger babes loving their glorious curves. I found there was little I could relate to in the sense of my body shape/look/size and I put myself out there to try and hope I might help others with body love who have a similar size to me. It was also about the idea of surrounding myself with positivity. Posting self love things, even if I didn't feel it at the time helped me feel it later on in the day for example.
You talk about surrounding yourself with positivity,and promoting self love for your own body shape. Had self love for yourself always been one of your goals?
No it hasn't. I was honestly one of those girls who just wanted to start dieting because I wanted to be skinny and I truly believed that was the only way worth being. So much has changed since then.
A lot of girls believe that being skinny is the be all and end all, are reasons like this why you believe self love is important?
. Its important because we live in a society, that through the media teaches us to hate ourselves. Its all consumer based. We are being brainwashed to hate ourselves so we’ll buy products that will fill the void they created in the first place. Having self love in the world today grows a more grounded person. It lets us find who we are beyond the parts we hate. It lets us grow into amazing people capable of amazing things. We live in a world where its ‘trendy’ to hate yourself and be miserable. That’s not right, its not healthy and its not fair. Self love should be a goal for everyone.
I too believe self love should be a goal for everyone. Do you have any advice from others who are looking to practice self love and being body positive?
.Honestly, fake it til you make it. I told myself I was beautiful every morning for 12 months before I believed it. Know that what the media tells you when it comes to appearances is a lie. There are no bad bodies. We are all unique. They just want your money. Embrace the body you have. Its all yours. And be mindful of how you speak to yourself. If you wouldn't say it to a friend or a loved one, don’t say it to yourself.
When we speak to ourselves we can all be so self deprecating, sometimes it's hard to believe the nice things people say and we say about ourselves. What do you think is the hardest thing to deal with when learning to accept ones self?
That the road to self-acceptance is an ongoing one. You don’t magically reach the end one day and love yourself and accept yourself 24/7. Its an ongoing struggle, hence my earlier analogy of a relationship. There are good and bad days. Some days its hard, but you get up the next day and try again and it might be amazing.
So just have to take the rolling with the punches, i know on my bad days i always feel too fat or feel that i can't be successful unless i diet. What do you think of the dieting industry?
Scam scam scam scam scam! Nothing more than a feeder industry of media that tells us how we should look. Save your money and buy yourself something nice that you like, don’t invest in fads that don’t really work.
I have to agree, most diets actually make us gain weight so they then have the opportunity to sell us another dieting product. Has loving yourself opened up any opportunities for you?
Most certainly! Its lead to pinup modelling, friend making, personal growth, weight loss, taking control of my life, etc. Self-acceptance and body love are huge keys to empowerment now days.
Are there any books, inspirational beings, or articles you can suggest to others regarding self love and acceptance?
Books not really. I suggest getting on Instagram as there are SO many amazing ladies on there who promote self love! I find them through a hash tag search.
I'm always searching Instagram for inspiring ladies, there are so many and so many fun hash tags and mantras to follow! Do you have a body positive mantra or motto?
Basically – my body does not define me. I am more than my appearance.
Very good quote! Now, What's your favorite positive song?
I honestly have no idea…my music tastes are too vast lol
lastly , if you were a superhero whose power was to spread to gift of self love, what would you name yourself and who would you gift self love too first?
Probably something quirky like Lovable Lola…and I’d gift it to one of my closest friends who I know struggles a lot with her body.
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NYX - Matte Contour And Highlight Combo
NYX | contour and highlighter combo £10
I have recently got myself a new job , as a celebration i planned a Saturday night out with friends. Drinking vodka lemonade whilst playing a Chris Brown shot game in a pirate hat, i really thought it would be a good night but things didn't go to plan. Ended up being one of the worst nights out i have been on in a long time, so instead of moping i decided i would treat myself to something else as a well done to me. NYX has been a brand I've been interested in trying for a very long time, being a cheap skate their prices has always put me off but this time i thought what the hell, treat me sen. I purchased this highlight and contour combo, a butter lipstick and an eye shadow palette. Reviews will be coming on those also if you're interested.
The Body Shop - Seaweed Skin Care
If it seems natural then I'm after it, I don't think I'm alone in this either. When it comes to skincare I like there to be some kind of earthy element to it, maybe vitamins from fruits or in this case weeds from the sea. I love mud masks, oatmeal scrubs, basically anything that doesn't seem chemically based ( but probably is ). There's nothing nicer than applying a seaweed scrub, smelling the salty smell of the ocean, letting it carry you to salty waves and sandy soles. I much prefer this type of skincare than sweet sickly candy smelling products, don't get me wrong I love those stuff too but when it comes to skincare I much prefer this type of stuff.
These two are part of The Body Shop seaweed skincare range, this range was purposefully designed for oily/combination skin and helps to restore our skins balance and keep us oil free. I picked the seaweed scrub up during The Body Shop beauty blogger event, I just loved the clay mask so much that I figured I needed another seaweed product to add to my vast collection. I have that many seaweed products I almost feel like a mermaid, not that that's a bad thing right?
The Body Shop - Camomile cleansing butter review
The Body Shop | Cleansing Camomile butter £12
I have heard the cries of numerous people as they exclaim their love for this product, apparently it's a beauty blogger favorite and one that many people can't live without. I picked it up at The Body shop beauty blogger event that i was invited to on the 7th, after watching my best friends makeup melt away during a face massage and mithering the staff for information on this, i decided to purchase it. The feedback i was getting was just too good!
The Body Shop - Vitamin C Glow enhancing moisturizer.
During The Body Shop blogger event that i attended, there was a little informative speech about the new vitamin C range and a sample pot pass around. I didn't go to the event with the intention of buying a moisturizer as i was still quite happy with my Good Things matte one but after hearing the info, the ingredients and the purpose of the moisturizer, i was sold.
Black Heart Creatives!
Above image is linked to BHC website if you want to check it out. You should.
Black Heart Creatives, the brain child of fabulous Plus size blogger and boss lady Charlotte. Jewellery that is hand made, laser cut acrylic and a big fat statement. Black Heart Creatives take requests on custom designs, have a wide variety of colours including UV and glitter making sure they meet every single one of our kitsch needs. Bold, punchy, bright, fun, conversation starting pieces that can be easily worn day or night. I very cheekily sent an email over to Charlotte, requesting a collaboration after I found out she was a fellow plus sized blogger. I loved her stuff before I saw her jewellery, then when I realised she had dedicated a jewellery range to the celebration of plus size women then I knew I just had to work with her!
Black Heart Creatives, the brain child of fabulous Plus size blogger and boss lady Charlotte. Jewellery that is hand made, laser cut acrylic and a big fat statement. Black Heart Creatives take requests on custom designs, have a wide variety of colours including UV and glitter making sure they meet every single one of our kitsch needs. Bold, punchy, bright, fun, conversation starting pieces that can be easily worn day or night. I very cheekily sent an email over to Charlotte, requesting a collaboration after I found out she was a fellow plus sized blogger. I loved her stuff before I saw her jewellery, then when I realised she had dedicated a jewellery range to the celebration of plus size women then I knew I just had to work with her!
Body Shop Haul!
Okay, so I already had a lot of products from the body shop but now it's entirely feasible for me to open another branch straight from my bedroom. I had an invite to The Body shop blogger event last Thursday and the discount they were offering meant I could go completely overboard and not feel bad about it.
An Interview with Rowen Graham AKA Binky Lastrange - Thick thighs and twinkly eyes!
22 and living in London the fabulous Rowen Graham, also known as Binky Lastrange on insta , spends her time reading classic novels and making room in her heart for Harry Potter and hairy hobbits. Partial to a bit of singing too, Rowen's posts sing from the rooftops that it's okay to be yourself and confident in who you are without change. Sassy selfies and great captions inspire ladies to love themselves and wear whatever they want, bare whatever they want. An Instagram following in the thousands is proof that Rowen's hard work in spreading body positivity is changing many lives!
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Closed Door event at The Body Shop.
Thursday evening I dragged my socially anxious ass to a blogger event I really wanted to attend, I had been invited to The Body Shop closed door event through a blogger group and really wanted to take part. I ran home from work, speedily changed into something less pauper like and jumped the pauper wagon to meet my friend. I plus 1 my best friend Rachell and we sat in Rollers pizza place before hand drowning out anxieties in pepperoni grease and mozzarella cheese. Nothing like a bit of anxious eating is there! This was to be my first blogger event and I had no clue how it would pan out or what the other bloggers would think of me but I sucked it up and arrived anyway.
That's so 70's - My favourite pieces
Monthly Favorites #2 - April!
April has been the month I created enough space in my purse for moths to mate, paper, copper, nickel, flying and rolling out after every glance of lip sparkle, whiff of perfume and hover over hyperlinks. I have well and truly spent a small fortune this month, I did however book a holiday to Amsterdam so all wasn't wasted on pink glittery wands of allure. April has seen me finish many TV series, seen me trip on the street in front of an old school friend, seen me receive an invite to my very first blogger event and has genuinely been very kind to me. I have fallen in love with a bunch of new products I had never tried before this month, I love it but am also pretty wounded that my monthly wish list of mandatories is now elongated.
NEW IN VERY - Can't wait for summer!
In the office drinking a cherry smoothie i purchased to soothe my influenza infected throat, i decided i would shop online at Very seen as i couldn't swallow anything other than flavored ice and had a dinner break spare. Summer definitely is speaking to me, I'm going to Amsterdam in August and mentally imagining the Netherlands sun on my shoulders while I'm sitting outside of a cute little café after vintage shopping ignited my summer shopping fire. Missed payment looming over my Very credit account as i'm too sick to get to the bank on time ( and also working ), shopping wasn't really a good idea so I decided instead that i would make a literal list of everything I'm loving from their New In section.
Rimmel London - Oh My Gloss
Cupid shot me with a bow from Rimmel, almost every lip product they have released I have fallen in love with. In my opinion they are the masters of matte lipstick, replicating the smell of fresh cupcakes for our lip smackers and delivering all the shades a lipstick addict can ask for. Lipstick is a must have for me, I've never really been a fan of lip gloss. The only time I've ever been excited over a gloss is when it came free with an issue of Sugar magazine I secretly bought behind my mums back.
I've been really into gossip girl and have developed a massive girl crush on Serena & Blair, so lip gloss kind of happened. I guess you could lump me with the girl who wears army pants and flip flops because Regina does, I'd be fine with that.
Telling Parents you have an eating disorder
Above picture is linked to Beat website for all eating disorder helplines and forums.
Telling a parents about your eating disorder will be hard but it's crucial as parents and family members can form the all important support circle that can be incredibly beneficial to you in your recovery. There's nothing like having love and compassion close to home or actually in the home! This post isn't for everybody as not everybody suffering from these illnesses will have to tell their parents themselves. A lot of people with eating disorders have very obvious symptoms which don't really need an explanation, they have had them from a young age and parents already have an incline that there is a serious problem. However some sufferers particularly those with bulimia Nervosa are of average or above average weight and because of this, symptoms are harder to spot. Sufferers who had developed these disorders at an older age are also more likely to have to go through something like this because they are more likely to know how to hide and keep their food issues a secret. It you're choosing to tell your parents, then here are my steps that I would recommend you take or follow as a guideline!
An Interview with Dani Galvin - The Fantastic Choose Life Warrior!
Dani Galvin is the warrior choosing life every single day, 22 and living in Brisbane she spreads body positivity and self love through her hashtag creation #CHOOSELIFEWARROR , honouring her curves and inspiring others to recover from their demons. Recovering from Eating Disorders and reaching a purge free milestone of 1000 days, she really is setting a mighty example for others and proving that things really can get better. Fabulous outfit selfies and Instagram captions have helped her gain a following of thousands who are also choosing life, honest, real, beautiful , I am honoured to be interviewing her!
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A big red kiss - Burberry Kisses review.
A kiss from Burberry, from them to me! I was so excited for my mail to arrive that i counted down the days since ordering, each day hoping that my little gift of cosmetic confidence would fall through my letter box. I've never had a designer lipstick before, never had an expensive lipstick or a fashionable lip product. I've never even tried a lipstick that's above the £10 mark, so you can imagine how excited i was to receive a product like this. I usually pick up colours i like from the drugstore, whatever their brand and price. Having this tiny Burberry lipstick delivered to me was a great opportunity to try one of the leading brands in fashion and beauty, i couldn't contain my excitement when unboxing and imagined the severity of my high end cosmetic obsession if i came to love it.
Disaster Proof Festival Drill - My 8 festival must haves
It's approaching festival time and the drunken field nymph inside of me is itching to purchase a ticket back to Leeds fest or something equally as disgustingly dirty and fun. I went to Leeds fest in 2013, it was my first festival and all hopes of neon forest raves fuelled by white cider had been crushed by an early departure and the torrential rain. The rain really wouldn't have been a problem if we brought the tent we had originally planned to take, it was a 3 man mansion tent which we would all be very comfortable in ( me, my cousin and my sister ) but unfortunately due to excitement of getting to Leeds early we forgot the tent.
Liz Earle - A product worthy of awards
I feel like Liz Earle is a cousin I see on a regular basis, featured on every beauty bloggers archives and winning awards every week, it's hard to run a beauty blog and not come across this cleanse and polish. I hardly ever buy skin care, my skin is in the worst condition that skin can be in and not require medical attention. The ' face washing ' shelves in the bathroom only house dead moths and retired tooth brush holders, so when I received this Liz Earle cleanse and polish in April's Birch Box. I couldn't wait to clear the shelves and give it pride of place.
An Interview with Cailey Darling - The Self love enforcer!
The fabulously wonderful Cailey Darling agreed to do an interview with me on Body Positivity and I am over the moon. The fabulous feminist promotes body positivity and self love by accepting herself and paving the way for so many with her plus size modelling and fabulous instagram photos. Cailey is 26, a makeup artist and living in Colorado, so It had to be an email interview which happened to turn out just as brilliant! You can find Cailey by clicking her beautiful face above. All her images in this post will be linked to her instagram, to give her the credit she deserves. So, go give her a follow!
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OOTD - Ghost world & Mary Janes
Birch Box - April's Royally Good
Since the days of Sugar and Mizz, I have always wanted a monthly subscription. Rifling through the stack of teenage pop magazines at the end of my bed, I lusted for the allowance to subscribe to monthly celebrity scandal and posters of puppy dogs. The subscription gifts were always so glorious, a glittery rollerball strawberry flavoured lip-gloss from some expensive 2000's brand or maybe a years supply of leopard print hair scrunches and glittery butterfly grips. A bit disappointing to say that the only thing I ever subscribed too was monthly donation adopt a tiger, which never wrote to me or anything. So, now you have an idea of my teenage spangly depraved fashion sense and lack of monthly post, you can imagine my excitement when I found out that monthly beauty box subscriptions were even a thing! I signed up to that s***t faster than Usain Bolt and eagerly awaited my BIRCH BOX.
If i went to Coachella Festival
Every year, Coachella comes around and I'm hella upset that I don't have to funds to fly my arse out for the party. I'd love nothing more than a cold beverage while drake raps sweet, love sick lullaby's in my ear and Leonardo Dicaprio dances behind me in a disguise and shorts. A summer sun kissed glow straight from the Californian sun and a reason to dress in crochet head to toe, Coachella is on every hedonists bucket list. I mean who wouldn't ever want to be a part of that?
I've been feeling really inspired lately in the fashion department, as I always am when festival time comes around. Most people do festivals in style, have perfectly manicured hands and a pair of shoes for every day. Whereas me, I just turn up with every luggage space stuffed to the brim with bottles of Bacardi, a tent stolen from B&M bargains with a hole in it and a pair of Primark wellies. I lust over the effort some people go too and I decided I would create some outfits that I would wear to Coachella if I ever went, inspired by my favourite Coachella queens. Everything I have used is linked below so you can purchase if you wish to do so! I had so much fun doing this.
' Berry ' Good Skin Care - Good Things - Vegan and vegetarian skin care!
I went into my local TK Maxx with hopes of buying some new nail polishes, my claw like hands grasping at every spring shade that i could possible find on the car boot like shelves. Cramp setting in, fingers aching, i dropped them all faster than Simon Cowell dropped Sam Bailey. I crouched on my shaking knees, beetroot face hung in shame as i picked them all back up again. Luckily none of them had smashed and i still had the glorious option of putting them back on the shelf and walking away commotion free. I lined them all up in their original places and proceeded to skulk round the back of the other shelves, that's when i came across the Good Things Super Fruits products.
Hot pepper lips at the grand cru - Bourjois rouge edition velvet lips
I've been seeing these Bourjois matte's everywhere on Instagram, twitter, a thousand blogs all raving about them. I figured something magical must be inside these tubes, something that warrants the grand reviews they have received. I hurried myself to my nearest Boots and after pacing the isles 4 or 5 times, indecisive and attempting to find something more worthy of my money, I decided to hand the cashier my money. I think these were £9 each which to me is quite a price to pay for a lipstick, especially if you're buying two. I needed to get two though, just so I could do a more thorough review of the product and partly because I couldn't pick my favourite. I settled for 03 Hot pepper and 08 Grand cru.
One Lovely Blog Award
My day was feeling dark and grey, being back in work from having almost a week off for Easter, not looking forward to spending the following 8 hours booking garbage disposal bins and drainage solutions. I was feeling pretty down, until i got tagged in this cute ass post!
Having been tagged in something as sweet as this after only having my blog for a short while, a smile bigger than miss Lovato's spread across my face. I print screened it and sent it to my best friend while simultaneously squealing with glee, a small acknowledgment, a thoughtful thought to my wee little blog. To know that somebody has been crushing on my blog enough to call it lovely is amazing and really filled me with such happiness, feels great to know that my words aren't just sinking to the dirty depths of the world wide web and somebody appreciates the things i write.
Spring Lip Pick - My 4 fave spring lip products.
Today really feels like spring to me, the sun is shining and I've conjured up enough mental spring to jump out of bed and clean my bedroom for the first time since February. Fruity room spray, Ariana Grande's angelic voice wafting through the waves of dust I brushed off my mirror, summer drum beats on repeat, it feels like the perfect day to finally get rid of winter! So, what's a better way to pack off jack frost and extra intense lip balm? Extra intense colourful spring time lipsticks, duh! Here are my top 4 lip products that I will be wearing through out spring, all from the drugstore and incredibly inexpensive!
An Interview with Ingrid Sigfridsson - Fabulously pink and glittery Diet Drop out!
Ingrid Sigfridsson is a Swedish Girly girl with a love for all things 50's, a multitude of tattoo's and a lipstick collection to rival a cosmetic isle this woman is a force to be reckoned with! Spreading positive self love vibes on the daily whilst listening to vinyl and wanderlusting over places she can travel too next! I managed to get an interview with the fabulous Ingrid and ask her my body positive interview, I want to know everything about her body positive journey and how she developed her confidence!
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Hit or Miss? Lash multiplying Mascara - Maybelline.
I've never been one for a mascara, in fact it's my most hated cosmetic product and if I could look healthy without it then I wouldn't wear it. Unfortunately that's not the case and the 3 for 2 offer in Boots washed over me like a plague, stressed and sweating at closing time only holding two products, I decided I would put this mascaras twitter reputation to the test!
Lee Stafford - Argon Oil hairdyer
Un-boxing deliveries, one of the simple joys in life. You wait for your order, you know what you are getting but it's still just as exciting as opening a surprise!
I recently ordered the Lee Stafford - Argon Oil hairdryer, it was on sale for £20 at Very and i couldn't pass it up. My previous hairdryer felt like i was drying my hair with a blow torch, the fan was broken in the back, it would overheat and turn itself off. Drying my hair took double the time it should and looked like i'd been dragged through a hedge once finished.
A long time i have believed my hair is dry, incredibly damaged, frizzy with a gum like texture and i was overjoyed to realize that it was actually just my hairdryer. I can't believe i went so long using my previous contraption and didn't question the burns on my ears/fingers after hair washing day!
Monthly favourites! #1 - March
Am i legit part of the blogging community now? I've a monthly favourites post, can i be in your club?....
If you didn't know i was joking then shame on you. I've seen tons of monthly favourite videos, monthly empties videos, i really enjoy seeing what all you guys have loved enough to use up and what purchases you haven't felt regret over buying this month. I thought i'd join in the fun and post what i've been loving this month, my very first favourites post! Ohh exciting. Okay, so here goes:
Long Hair, Don't care. ( Foxy locks hair extensions review! )
Click the foxy locks logo above if you wish to order your own foxy locks.
I'm new to the world of hair extensions but not so much hair dye, which is why i should have realized that you are unable to further bleach human hair extensions that have previously been bleached. I had a set of Dirty Looks human hair extensions, they were thick and lustrous, i had previously dyed them red with crazy colour and planned to strip them to make base for a beautiful green. I bought a bucket load of bleach ( no kidding, it really is a bucket! ) and some leafy green dye thinking i could easily bleach out the red colour and get the brilliant 90's blonde back that they once were. However, it didn't work out so well for me. The hair literally washed off the weft, i was only meant to be washing off the bleach! The hair was matted with a candyfloss, gum like texture and after my intense attempts to save them, i had to part ways. It's my birthday in 2 weeks and i was counting on those extensions to fancy up my night time look, so i had to fork out some money on some new ones and figured i'd give Foxy Locks a go. After many reviews on YouTube, some good, mostly bad, i figured i would see for myself if they really were that bad.
Going Down A Storm? Sleek Storm Palette.
Rimmel London - Lasting Colour Rush
These 3 lip crayons i picked up on my frivolous attempt of purchasing a curling iron from the only shop open at 8pm! These were £1.99 each from B&M bargains and i didn't know what to expect as they were just hung up in clear, unlabeled plastic packaging but i still couldn't help myself from speed walking to the till with all the shades i could find! These 3 are from left to right
- Boom Chick A Boom
- Give me a cuddle
- Keep on Mauving
Topshop - Velvet lips ( Velveteen Ribbon )
I'm addicted to matte lipsticks and secretly shopping online during work hours but when you mix the two together, you end up with some purchases that twinge the violin strings of regret and make you consider a refund. I think it's safe to say that after receiving this in the post, not having swathed it properly beforehand, I will not be buying lipsticks online again.
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