
OOTD - Ghost world & Mary Janes
   Full length photos or any photo that captures below my shoulders have been something that I refused to ever take part in, squeezing my body into a camera frame and searching for the perfect angle behind my friends so I can hide the brunt of my rolls is just something that I have never enjoyed. Back rolls and bingo wings in full HD in a birthday dress I previously thought lovely, it's hard to believe I looked as good as I felt when you the photo shows me otherwise.

     Body confidence, self love and positivity is something I have loved to spread on social media. Always commenting my love for their confidence on fellow plus sized women's body shots, praising their fashion feats and total takedowns on hater comments. I love seeing lovely ladies loving their bodies whatever their size and wearing whatever the hell they want. I figured instead of just scrolling endlessly through the hashtags on Instagram and feeling inspired, I would be inspired and post an OOTD including my fat rolls for all the haters. I decided that I am going to practice body positivity and self love/acceptance as much as I can, I want to be happy with my body and the way I look, enjoy life and refuse to let my weight keep me from feeling great.

   I have to apologise for the awkward photos, you can probably guess I've never styled clothes or posed for full length photos before. I was all arms akimbo, flailing and twirling around on my diesel stained drive just hoping to get a somewhat suitable photo. I think the ones I took will suffice, they show the outfit and my body which I guess is the purpose of this post. So they'll do!

 In these photos I am wearing my Ghost World Tee that I purchased from Etsy store, punk shirts. Enid is my life, love her to death. My tartan skirt was a Skirt I purchased from Asos in the sale, it was a midi skirt but as I am only 5 foot tall I had to cut it and sew it myself for shorter length. My white Mary Jane shoes are from a charity shop , they're Dr Martens and incredibly painful to walk in! My glasses are prescription but I believe they are Retro 54.
    It was just a simple outfit I put together, it was very last minute as the outfit I had planned to photograph I couldn't wear. I fell over on the way to work Friday morning, hit the floor harder than Jeremy Clarkson hit that guy, sliced my knee open and it doesn't look very pretty so I opted for tights and a new outfit instead of a grisly photo!



  1. Oh my gosh, you are beautiful! xx

  2. You look AMAZING! Enid herself would give this a big thumbs up - I love Ghost World, that's such a cool top and I love the way you've styled it with that gorgeous skirt and DMs. Outfit win - hope your knee is ok! xx

    Sophie Elizabeth

  3. Yes, girl! You look amazing. :)

    Your poor knee, though!

  4. You are absolutely rocking this outfit! I love it, especially the skirt! <3 xxxx
